What I Learned from a Slug, or Photography as Spiritual Practice
It all started with a slug. (It wasn’t as cute as the one in the photo above.)
I was minding my own business, enjoying the cool air of morning, happily snipping arugula in my garden, when I came across a SLUG. EWWW!
….As luck (or providence) would have it, I had just returned from a walk where I had been invited to notice and take pictures of things that made me uncomfortable, uneasy or anxious….
Do We Live in a Friendly Universe?
How would your life be different if you chose to believe that we live in a friendly universe, or that God is with us, or that we are all connected in a great web of life?
I will admit that our world often seems decidedly unfriendly. Wars rage, natural disasters strike, racism continues, political divisions widen. So you may be wondering why in the world I’d be asking you to consider
Always Growing
I came across this image last week and have been engaging with it since. When I first saw it, my eye spiraled in toward the
Daffodils and War: Trying to Hold It All:
Part 2
Joy of joys – spring is here! And at the same time, war and conflict rage in the Ukraine and elsewhere and the pandemic continues and inflation ramps up… How am I to hold it all? (Part 2)
Daffodils and War – Trying to Hold It All:
Part 1
Grass is greening, buds are plumping and daffodils have been pushing up through snow. And war is raging, people are dying of hunger, and the
Stuck in Your Emotions? Draw Them!
I woke up yesterday morning thinking about a small (but ongoing) conflict I have had with a friend. It is nothing big, nothing that threatens to splinter the friendship, and yet there I was with a pit in my stomach, a sense of…
An Advent Poem: Incarnation
Read the following poem out loud. What words or phrases “shimmer” or stand out or leap off the page at you? Incarnation I am the
Do the Pieces of Your Life Fit Together?
How many times do we withhold pieces of our lives from God, or refuse (consciously or not) to open our hearts to God?
Speaking for myself, more often than I care to admit, and
An Advent Breath Prayer
Start by taking a couple of longer, more intentional breaths, perhaps breathing in to a slow count of four, pausing a moment and breathing out to a slow count of four. Invite your body to relax even ten percent. Then as you continue to breathe slowly and evenly, recite these words