Start by taking a couple of longer, more intentional breaths, perhaps breathing in to a slow count of four, pausing a moment and breathing out to a slow count of four. Invite your body to relax even ten percent. Then as you continue to breathe slowly and evenly, recite these words (either aloud or inwardly):
Breathe in the Spirit of Life
Breathe out Hope
Breathe in the Spirit of Life
Breathe out Peace
Breathe in the Spirit of Life
Breathe out Joy
Breathe in the Spirit of Life
Breathe out Love
Breathe in the Spirit of Life
Breathe out the living Christ.
[repeat until you feel complete]
While this breath prayer uses the Advent themes of hope, peace, joy, love, and Christ, those themes are certainly appropriate for year-round use. You could also choose just one stanza and repeat it over and over until you feel complete, or use the same format and include other themes, e.g., breathing out justice, mercy, truth, and love.