Spiritual direction is not about being ‘directed.’ Rather, it is very much about being encouraged to draw closer to God. -Spiritual Directors International
Cheryl Lyon, C.P.C.
Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader and Life Coach
I help people listen for the leading of the Spirit, the Voice of Wisdom.
Whether I am leading a retreat or facilitating a book group or working one-on-one with an individual, my intention is to open conversations and create experiences where women and men can hear themselves think, move through their emotions, and listen for the voice of Wisdom – places and times where individuals can find that clarity and peace of mind we all seek; can be open and trusting enough to listen for where God may be leading; and can find enough emotional safety to boldly step forward onto the path that is always unfolding before them.

I know how challenging that can be.
I know from my own experience just how challenging that can be. Over the last 10+ years, the thread I follow has taken me on twists and turns I could never have anticipated and blessed me in ways I could never have imagined. It has also called on every bit of courage and trust I could muster, as I grew from a wife, mother, and paralegal into a life coach, worship leader, group facilitator, retreat leader, and spiritual director.
I already had what I needed most.
I couldn’t imagine I’d be good at any of those things. I thought I was shy and hated public speaking. I pursued them for the simple reason that I couldn’t “not” pursue them. All I could do was follow the thread of my life – the call forward. I found that what I needed most I already had: an open, quiet presence; a gentle sense of humor; a love of poetry and the arts; a capacity for confidentiality; and an ability to help others calm their bodies and quiet their anxious minds so that they could access the Wisdom within.
Spiritual direction has helped me (and continues to help me).
I would not be where I am now had I not worked over the last decade with first, a life coach, and later, a spiritual director. I still meet with a spiritual director at least quarterly. Spiritual direction helps me be more attentive to where the Spirit may be moving or calling me forward, and provides both support to help me discern and accountability to help me step out and follow.
Other things that help me stay centered and grounded and attentive to God are my family, regular spiritual practice, time in nature, travel, quilting, and the arts.
Here’s what I offer.
I am located in Central New York, near Binghamton. I am available to lead individual or group spiritual direction for lay persons or clergy, as well as half or whole day retreats, in person or by phone, Skype or Zoom. I am also happy to consult with anyone who is developing a retreat or spiritually formative activities for their own church or group.
My more formal resume appears below.

We can make our minds so like still water that beings gather about us that they may see, it may be, their own images, and so live for a moment with a clearer, perhaps even with a fiercer life because of our quiet.
~ W.B. Yeats
Education and Training:
- B.S. with distinction, Cornell University, College of Human Ecology
- Certificate in Spiritual Direction and Congregational Formation (two year Tending the Soul program of the United Methodist Church)
- Sacred Listening: Group Spiritual Direction – Columbia Theological Seminary
- Certified Lay Servant, United Methodist Church (available to lead services and retreats)
- Certified Professional Coach, International Coaching Academy (ICF accredited training program)
- Coaching Wellness – Coach Training Alliance
- Individual Coaching and Spiritual Direction: 2007-present
- Facilitator or co-facilitator of spirit-centered book groups: 2014-present
- Retreat facilitator: 2015 to present
- Continuing Education presenter, SUNY Broome: 2017 to present
- Worship leader and/or message presenter: 2009 to present
- Board Member and program presenter, The Sophia Center for Spirituality, Binghamton, NY: 2014 to present
- Conference Spiritual Director Team, Upper New York Conference, United Methodist Church: 2018 to present
- Paralegal and Compliance Manager: 1985 to 2016
- Individual and Group Soul Tending, Discernment, Mindfulness and Spiritual Practice, Creativity, Imaginative Prayer