For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,... will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. -Romans 8:38-39 (NIV)
“Neither death, nor life…” I’ve heard that verse dozens of times over the years. Usually it makes me think about how the powers of death and darkness can make it feel like I am separated from the love of God, and that I need to remember that nothing can separate me from the love of God. But one Sunday morning, the words “nor life” echoed through my mind long past the end of the Scripture reading.
It was suddenly clear to me how life often separates me from the love of God, or at least makes me feel separated. In the presence of crisis, death or suffering, I am often aware of God’s presence. But in the rush of daily life, I often forget to listen for God. Deadlines, obligations, the ever present demands of family schedules and needs, the ringing of the telephone, the blare of the TV, the feeling that I have too much to do in too little time – those are what more often make me forget about God. The never-ending demands of life can drown out the still small voice of God unless I make a conscious effort to listen for it.
What about you? Is there something about life that separates you from your awareness of the love and closeness of God? What might you do to help yourself remember?